What Is the Usage Time and Amount of Collagen?

Collagens can be consumed regularly for 8-12 weeks depending on age and need (1 treatment). They can be used for 2-3 treatments per year, with a break period (1-2 months) between treatments, or intermediate doses can be used at lower milligrams.

Collagens can be consumed at any time of the day. However, studies have shown that when consumed in the evening, collagen production and collagen bioavailability increase along with melatonin synthesis.1

  1. Nakade O, Koyama H, Ariji H, Yajima A, Kaku T. "Melatonin Stimulates Proliferation and Type I Collagen Synthesis in Human Bone Cells in Vitro". J Pineal Res. 1999;27(2):106-110.